Liberia: Criminal Court 'A' Calls for Retrial in EPs Agent Alleged Murder Case, As Beings Down Hung-Verdict Against Defendant Kollie

Monrovia — Criminal Court 'A' Judge Roosevelt Willie, on Thursday, December 22, announced a retrial in the alleged murder case involving dismissed EPS Agent, Patrick Kollie.

The retrial was a result of a hung verdict brought down by a 12-man jurors, who decided in the court could not derive a decision to find the defendant not guilty or guilty.

Willie N. Tokpah, [email protected]

As such, Judge Willie noted that the defendant will remain in prison until a separate trial is conducted to make the final determination in the case.

The Jurors in their verdict brought down before the court voted seven not guilty and five votes guilty which the court believes does not constitute a number to set the defendants free.

Defendant Kollie was being litigated on allegation of murder, after the Grand Jury of Montserrado County indicted him for his alleged link to the death of victim Valentine Johnson, an incident that took place in the early morning hours of July 4.

The victim along with three others was said to have been en route from Jesse Bar on a birthday celebration, to Seny Bar in Duport Road when he met his untimely death.

Defendant Kollie, during the trial, pleaded not guilty to the indictment of murder and stated that the arm was discharged mistakenly, during a tussle with criminals at the Police Academy Junction.

The juror's determination in the case follows the production of witnesses by the prosecution and defense as well as the final argument to prove or disprove the case of murder.

The juror hung-verdict decision means Defendant Kollie will still serve a prison sentence until a determination can be made in the case, following a retrial.

However, one of the lead Defense Lawyers, Cllr. Richard J. Scott, Jr. told FrontPageAfrica Thursday, December 22, that the Defense reserve the right to file a bond for Defendant Kollie at the current stage of the case.

Cllr. Scott further noted that when though the majority voted not guilty, the jury verdict was against Defense's expectation, due to evidence add used by the state.

He said they expected a not-guilty verdict.

However, he believes the hung verdict favors the defense.

"The presumption as lawyers would say, is not grave in this case and the proof was not evidence, therefore, the defendant would be entitled to a bill, which will be the next course of action," Cllr. Scott said.

Cllr. Scott noted that once jurors could not bring down a guilty verdict, there was not enough evidence and the Defendant has a right to bill to be let out of prison, while the trial is ongoing.

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