Nigeria: NAF Multiple Strikes Kill Scores of Boko Haram Insurgents

28 December 2022

Multiple airstrikes by two Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Super Tucano jets have killed scores of Boko Haram terrorists at Shehutari and Mantari in Bama local government area of Borno State.

The terrorists were neutralised on Tuesday, December 27, after intelligence, which revealed that they had assembled at Mantari to hold special prayers for the fighters and Commanders killed in the December 21 Airstrikes.

According report obtained by Zagazola Makama, a counter insurgency expert and security analyst in the Lake Chad, from top intelligence sources, severely injured members were being treated in a location about 500m west of Mantari.

Meanwhile, a domestic intelligence source stated that the renewed vigour in the military offensives under Operation Hadin Kai also caught the terrorists by surprise at Shehutari, as several terrorists met their waterloo.

Several others were reportedly wounded while the surviving terrorists were seen scampering for safety into the thick forest in different directions.

"The damaging airstrikes have resulted in the degradation of the capabilities of the Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād within the Sambisa forest.

"On December 25, Boko Haram's Amir Jaysh, Ali Ngulde sent some militant delegation headed by Amir Muke from Mandara Moutains and Abu Hassana, to sympathise with the fighters.

"The AI was a major hit that obliterated hundreds of terrorists including top JAS Khaids Abbah Tukuru, Maimusari and Bakura Jega who were on a reinforcement mission and mobilising for attacks in the location.

"Eight more fighters who sustained various degrees of injuries later died due to lack of proper medical assistance.

"Further damage assessment indicated mass burial carried out by JAS within Sambisa in presence of top Khaids Abou Issa of Kala-Balge and Ali Gana of Ngauri," domestic intelligence source said.

It could be recalled that on December 27, Boko Haram terrorists conveyed some of their medical personnel on six motorcycles to Mantari camp of the terrorists, where they were to treat the wounded fighters.

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