Nigeria: Terrorists Kill Security Operatives in Kaduna

(file photo)
10 January 2023

Terrorists have ambushed communities in Birnin Gwari Local Government area of Kaduna State, killing security operatives.

Journalists gathered that those killed included members of the civil defence corps, police, soldiers and local vigilantes on Sunday.

Speaking on phone to Journalists Monday night, a local, Abubakar Kakangi said the affected communities were Kubau village and Unguwan Zakara village.

Kakangi said the bandits had an agreement with the communities where they allowed the locals to farm.

"However, the bandits usually passed through the villages to sell stolen cows which the security are not happy. Three weeks ago, security killed a boy who was looking after their cattle. The bandits were not happy over the murder of the boy."

"On Sunday the bandits stormed Aka security checkpoint along Birnin-Gwari to Kakangi/Randagi road of the Western part of Birnin-Gwari LGA."

" The attack took place around 2:00 pm. The bandits divided themselves into two groups and carried out the attack simultaneously at the two villages where they killed scores of security personnel including the Civil Defence Corps, police, vigilante and soldiers," he said.

It was gathered that the corpses of the dead were deposited at a Kaduna hospital.

The police were yet to react to the incident but the spokesperson of the Kaduna Command of the Civil Defence Corps said a statement would be issued on Tuesday.

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