Liberia: JNB Tact Team Debunks GOL Release On Amb. Boakai's State of Health

Monrovia — The JNB Tact Team has expressed its disappointment in the Government's recent press release signed by Information Minister Ledgerhood J. Rennie regarding a deceptive offer to "help" former Vice President Joseph Nyuma Boakai. This release is a failed and totally unacceptable propaganda stunt that seeks to politicize the health situation of a statesman. Sadly, instead of the Government focusing on bettering the lives of the people that elected them, it is more focused on the upcoming elections and propaganda.

We condemn, in the strongest terms, the politicizing of the health condition of former Vice President Boakai, as is deceptively being done by the George Weah-led government. We caution the Government to focus on fixing the healthcare system which has been crippled under the watch of President Weah, instead of releasing politically charged statements that are completely erroneous and misleading.

Should the Government want to help citizens with health conditions, we admonish them to concentrate on helping the driver and security guard who were involved in an accident with Minister Samuel Tweah and were left in Liberia to languish at a hospital without access to good healthcare, while Finance Minister Tweah and his wife were taken out of the country to a Turkish hospital for advanced medical treatment.

The Standard Bearer of the Unity Party, former Vice President Boakai will not be tricked into any form of propaganda war with this unserious government that lacks priorities and focus. This is another clear sign that our government is being reduced to a circus, as opposed to carrying out serious government duties that are essential to the well-being of Liberians, whose lives the government has disappointingly jeopardized through rampant corruption, misrule, and irresponsible and poor leadership.

The Tact Team would like to thank all our supporters for their genuine concern, prayers, and thoughts.

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