Liberia: 'A Regional Approach to Accelerating Aquaculture Development Among Member States'

Accra — Liberia's Fisheries Director General is recommending a regional approach to accelerating aquaculture development amongst member states of the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC).

"a regional approach would be more strategic in accelerating aquaculture development within FCWC member States"

Delivering the keynote address at the 14th Ministerial Session of (FCWC) held in Accra Ghana Friday, January 13, 2023, Madam Emma Metieh Glassco further recommended that members states should strengthen corporation as a region in an effort to sustain the blue economy as a region.

DG Glassco urged that weaker countries will need to learn from the experiences of countries that are currently making gains, for example she said, Liberia struggling aquaculture sector, can tap into the experiences of Ghana and Nigeria, the two top aquaculture-producing countries in the region.

The Liberian Fisheries Expert recalled that Liberia has submitted a proposal for technical cooperation, through its diplomatic channels, with both Ghana and Nigeria and is now still awaiting their responses.

The 14th Ministerial Session of the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) was held under the theme 'supporting effective fisheries management for sustainable blue economy'.

Madam Glassco disclosed that Liberia's aquaculture industry is underdeveloped in terms of size and production output, however, Liberians are optimistic that when the right environment and support are provided, the aquaculture sector will thrive and contribute to the local economy and food security.

Moreover, she disclosed that Liberia has taken some proactive approach by integrating aquaculture into its legal regulatory and management instruments, such as the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Strategy (FAPS), which highlights a five-year strategic plan for sustainable aquaculture development, the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Law and Fisheries and Aquaculture Regulation, which clearly sets guidelines, procedures and processes for regulating the development of aquaculture.

Meanwhile, during the session, Liberia was elected Co-chair of the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC). As a result of the election Liberia has gained the right to host the 15th Ministerial Session of FCWC.

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