Liberia: 'Put Acquired Skills to Practice, Knowledge Is Powerful to Be Wasted'

-Leemu & Girls CEO Encourages Women

It is often said, "Knowledge is power" but how that power is used is what matters.

Many at times, knowledge is acquired by many Liberians mainly women, but often the knowledge goes to waste, resources spent on training not realized at the end of the day.

It is in this direction that Madam Marthaline Leemu Rambo has begun making the best use of her skills in pastry.

Madam Rambo popularly known as Leemu is the Chief Executive Officer of a mini pastry business she named " Leemu & Girls".

In an interview with this paper, Rambo said, " It is good to make the best use of whatever you learn because the mind or skills are powerful to be wasted."

She added that knowledge can only be powerful when you apply your skills well and with passion.

"Since I started this business, what comes to my mind each morning is that there is a student, a father or mother who is hopeful of getting one of the items I make," she said with laughter across her face.

Madam Rambo additionally said that she sees that as an obligation to the community and as such she puts her best and time in the preparation of what she does.

"I make nice first pads,pig in the blanket, cornbread, and shortbread as well. We are also into the making of cakes for weddings, graduations, birthday parties, and even weddings anniversary" she added.

She furthered, "Recently, we just made wedding cake, meat pads, and coconut ties."

According to the businesswoman, although the business is young but was quick to say, " I see it becoming something very big because, after my graduation from the compassion Women Vocational Institute, I am thinking of employing few women."

She said, " Women, please don't just learn and allow what you have acquired not used. Even if you have to start little, it is a good beginning."

The young entrepreneur said, " Those who need my professional service or more of my products can reach out via 07755 64561."

"If you more just call me and depending on the quantity, I take it to you," Leemu and Girls CEO said with a smiling face.

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