Liberia: Lawmaker Wants Police Chief Cited

-Over discovery of firearms

Lofa County Representative Mariamu Fofana has written the plenary of the House of Representatives requesting the appearance of police chief Col. Patrick T. Sudue.

The House Committee chair on Education and Public Administration wants Col. Sudue to provide an explanation surrounding the discovery of a huge cache of illegal arms and ammunition at the Freeport of Monrovia last year.

In her communication to House Speaker Bhofal Chambers dated 16 January 2023, the Lofa Electoral District #4 Representative said the discovery of the weapons has raised concerns and instilled fear in the citizenry.

"I write to ask the plenary's indulgence to invite the Inspector General of the LNP (Liberia National Police) Col. Patrick Sudue to appear before this honorable body," Rep. Fofana wrote.

She noted that the discovery of the huge cache of arms and ammunition has raised concerns and instilled fear in the people, especially women and children in the country.

The Lofa County lawmaker pointed out that Col. Sudue needs to provide information on the police's investigative findings regarding the arms.

She stated that Col. Sudue's appearance will also allow him to tell the House about measures intended to safeguard the country from further illegal entry of firearms ahead of the upcoming elections.

"The appearance of the IG is to provide information on [the police's] investigative finding relative to the discovery of the huge firearms," she said.

She noted that it is very important at this time to provide clarity on issues relating to the police's findings and to avoid the spread of rumors by citizens in the country.

Last year, security forces here launched an investigation into the discovery of a huge cache of arms and ammunition at the Freeport of Monrovia and at a private residence in Brewerville, outside Monrovia.

Both discoveries were connected to a single source.

The arms and ammunition were first discovered at the port in a shipment consignee to a lady before further discoveries were made at her home in Brewerville following a search and seizure operation.

Security sources identified the shipper as Ben Baker and the shipment was made from the United States, with Barbara Debra as the consignee.

Security sources said the shipments which are made of mainly assault rifles, were shipped over a one-year period, which means the shipper has been sending the consignment in batches.

Liberia, a fragile country, heads to a highly contested poll in October this year, with fear that violence may erupt.

The cache of arms and ammunition amid reports that the shipper has been sending the arms in batches only heightens such fear.

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