Liberia: Lofa County Proves Supremacy Over Nimba County

Retains Kickball Title

Monrovia-Lofa County kickball team has retained their County Meet Championship with a comfortable and but tough win over Nimba County.

Lofa girls who were under immense pressure to retain their title secure a 2-0 home runs win over Nimba who give the defending champions a run for their money.

The defending champions need just the first innings in pulling a home run to lift the hope of the thousands of Lofa fans who showed up for to cheer their team.

Nimba who is coached by Darius Ajavaon former deputy coach to Lofa Cicah Ezekiel Sunday Doekpa for years got the matching order in the first inning of the match when he protest a called by the referee.

The central wasted no time to sent Ajavon out for his protest against her call but that did not stop Nimba from giving Lofa a run for their money.

Down by a home run Nimba mounted pressure to equal the score but Lofa girls stood their ground ending the first half 1-0.

Back from the break Lofa increase their lead tob2-0 home runs to the disadvantage of Nimba who were more impressive going forward but reach the home base was like the great wall as Lofa put in all their strength in holding on to their lead.

Lofa maintained her hundred percent performance of the competition in the kickball category by retaining their title with a 2-0 home runs win over Now Nimba who has found it difficult in recent time to win the Kickball title.

In joyous mood the head coach of Lofa County Ezekiel Doekpa has set a back to back record of the winning the competition appreciated his girls for making he and the people of Lofa County very happy and proud.

"My players made be happy today by putting smiles on the faces of Lofa County",

Meanwhile. Nimba coach Darius Ajavon has attributed his team defeat go poor officiating by the referee.

He said his players got frustrated after an early poor decision from the referee but believe his team can bounce back in the next year competition .

In the kickball third place match Margibi county beat Bong County 2-1 home runs to left the third place title.

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