Liberia: Digging Into the Facts: Boakai's Ill-Health


-CDC'S Versus UP'S Claims

The public got deeply worried and troubled about the reported news concerning the "deteriorating health conditions" of a statesman, former Vice President and Standard Bearer of the Opposition Unity Party, (UP), Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, who was rushed at a local health facility in Liberia to mitigate a health condition.

It is believed that he is the most-feared political rival of President George M. Weah in the upcoming Presidential and Legislative Elections slated for October 2023.

As news of his ill health sang deeply into the public domain, the Regime bragged in a press statement that it has gotten into contact with families of the Unity Party's Standard Bearer to provide financial assistance in a bid for the Statesman to seek advanced medical treatment abroad.

The CDC's Government, in a clever attempt to score a political goal, issued a press statement that it has been in contact with the former Vice President to provide a medical remedy to his much-criticized health condition.

But after the release of the such press statement, the opposition Unity Party (UP), erected checkpoints about the misinformation that has been spewed out by what it called, "falling out of favor" with the ordinary Liberians, the CDC's Government.

Pundits have closed their eyes on the appalling health conditions of Ambassador Boakai, who is 82 years old and they have conceived that given the obnoxious economic conditions in the country, where Liberians continue to wallop endlessly, it is only Ambassador Boakai who can shift the economic paradigm for Liberians to once again live in economic affluence.

Joe Boakai

There are others from the fifth column of body politics of the country who believe that age is a threatening nightmare confronting the Unity Party Standard Bearer.

The Pundits have opined that age, comes with mental disillusionment and still there are others who have held the belief that experience and wisdom are very peculiar statesmanship.

The Unity Party has termed it as a "diabolical lie" action conceived by the ruling CDC that it will buttress in addressing the health conditions of its Standard Bearer.

The UP has since refuted claims that the former Vice President is chronically ill and in need of dire financial assistance as widely expressed that the Coalition for Democratic Change Government and some political pundits in the country.

The Public is being placed in a dark smokescreen to ascertain the veracity of claims being made by both the Status Quo and the former ruling party.

The former Vice President's illness has attracted lots of concerns not only from his family members, friends, and Unity Party but even the current regime under the stewardship of Mr. George M. Weah.

It is well noted that the CDC's greatest contender in the upcoming Presidential and Legislative Elections that are scheduled to take place in October 2023, is the Unity Party's Standard Bearer and former Vice President of the Republic of Liberia.

Despite jabs being thrown at the main Opposition Political Leader in the country, that he is unfit medically to contest for the tension-packed and crucial Elections, Members of his party are confident that it is only him that can vanquish President George M. Weah in the upcoming Elections.

The Unity Party has assured the public that the main man poised to rescue Liberians at the hands of the failed CDC-Government is in a positive state of health and mentally alert to hit the ground running when elected as President of the Republic of Liberia on October 10' 2023 polls.

In a recent Press Release, the Unity Party has expressed optimism over the speedy health recovery of its Standard Bearer and has extended golden handshakes to its members and well-wishers who sought the Almighty God for his healing hands upon Boakai.

The Unity Party has expressed that its Standard Bearer usually carries out periodic medical checks as being falsely magnified by the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change Government.

In a sharp response, the Party mentioned that its Political Leader's quest to carry out routine medical check-ups is a clear demonstration and commitment to repose trust and confidence in Liberian Health institutions.

The opposition Unity Party has termed as a diabolical lie, the statement from the Government of Liberia that suggests it has "initiated contacts with family members of the former Vice President and offered to help in whatever way they deem necessary.

The Unity Party has warned the government and its surrogates to desist from the desperate and heartless efforts to use the health condition of a statesman to redeem their lost image.

No doubt, the CDC's Government has failed to deliver on its promises; the man on a mission to transform Liberia, Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai is developing ideas and necessary strategies for the upliftment of Liberians from the shackles of poverty.

Unity Party has called on its partisans, supporters, and Liberians everywhere to remain upbeat and unperturbed as the mission to elect JNB continues unabated.

As the debate over the health conditions of the former Vice President heightens, a 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Leymah R. Gbowee has written the Unity Party concerning the health conditions of its standard Bearer.

Madam Gbowee has called on the party in the interest of peace, development, and Liberia's future, to allow Ambassador Boakai to retire from politics and focus on his health conditions.

The Nobel Laureate mentioned that it is needless to force Boakai to contest these elections when he is being affected by age.

She noted that it is prudent for the Unity Party Standard Bearer to spend his golden years interacting with his grandchildren.

Madam Gbowee has swept under the carpet concerns raised by members of his party that he is well-suited and well-placed to defeat the CDC-Government at polls slated to take place in October of this year.

The Nobel Laureate craved the indulgence of the opposition to amalgamate forces to boot out the Government of President Weah.

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