Ghana: Alleged Gh¢500,000 MASLOC Embezzlement 2 Sureties Given 1 Week to Produce Accused Case -

18 January 2023

The Financial and Economic Division of the Accra High Court yesterday granted one week to the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, (GNPC), Alex Mould, and Gavivina Tamakloe, to produce Mrs Sedinam Attionu Tamakloe.

Mr Mould and Tamakloe are both sureties for Mrs Tamakloe, a former Chief Executive of Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) former, standing trial for allegedly embezzling GH¢500,000 belonging to the centre.

The accused allegedly domiciled in the United State of America where she had travelled to seek medical examination and had since been absent from court proceedings.

The case has been adjourned to January 24, to enable lawyers of accused and sureties, to authenticate a document received from accused.

The court rejected the document because it was not notarised.

Mrs Tamakloe is on trial with Daniel Axim, a former Operations Manager of MASLOC, on 78 counts of wilfully causing financial loss to the State, stealing, and contravention of the public procurement act, among other charges.

The two have denied any wrongdoing and have pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

The prosecution has accused Mrs Attionu of engaging in illegalities, leading to the alleged stealing and financial loss.

It has accused Mrs Attionu of embezzling GH¢500,000 that was paid by a company which benefitted from MASLOC support in 2014.

It is also the case of the prosecution that in 2013, following a fire disaster at the Kantamanto Market, then-President John Mahama directed MASLOC to provide assistance of GH¢1.46 million to victims of the disaster, but Mrs Tamakloe allegedly embezzled part of the money.

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