Liberia: Chambers, Weah Get Reelection Boost in Maryland County

The re-election bids of House Speaker, Dr. Bhofal Chambers and President George Weah, have received a major boost.

It followed commitments by citizens of District 2, Pleebo Sodekan District in Maryland County.

The citizens renewed such commitments during a mass welcoming ceremony as part of his Christmas visitation to Kwiloken, Barriken, Gbolorbo Sedaken among other towns and villages.

The citizens among others also lauded the Honorable Speaker and President George Weah for the numerous development projects including scholarships, loans, medical drugs to health centers, the constructions of market, schools, churches, radio station and provision of jobs.

The Marylanders were grateful to the Speaker and the Liberian President for commitment toward the pavement of the southeastern road corridor.

Meanwhile, Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers, on behalf of the Liberian Leader, thanked citizens of Maryland for reposing their renewed commitment.

Speaker Chambers was also grateful to the citizens for regularly following the workings of the CDC Government.

He then assured south-eastern citizens of massive benefit from what was accrued during President George Weah' recent trip to Qatar, the USA among others.

The Liberian Speaker had also grateful of the steady progress on government's ongoing road construction between Nimba, River Gee and Maryland Counties respectively.

On the sideline of the Speaker's visit, the Pleboo Citizens have offered special prayers for him, presented him gifts, and certified him, among others.

The Speaker also reciprocated by organizing Christmas celebrations in different quarters of Pleebo and nearby with one hundred children at Pleebo Town Hall.

During these festivities, the Liberian Speaker extended Christmas greetings to his kinsmen.

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