Ghana: District Social Welfare Officers Presented With Tablets

19 January 2023

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MOGCSP) with support from the World Food Programme (WFP) on Monday presented 61 Samsung tablets to some selected District Social Welfare Officers (DSWOs) in Accra.

The presentation was aimed at improving the digitisation of the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (LEAP) programme electronic reporting systems and decentralisation of its Management Information Systems (MIS) of the Department.

Minister of MOGCSP, Ms Lariba Zuweira Abudu, presenting the tablets said they would address the challenges the department faced and reduce the manual work done by officers.

She therefore, urged officers to use the device for its intended purpose to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the programme.

The Deputy Director, LEAP Programme, Dr Myles Ongoh, added that the tablets would enable the officers reach set targets and meet deadlines.

The Country Director, WFP, Barbara Clemens, commended the ministry for its work in helping the less privileged in the country.

She pledged WFP's continuous collaboration with the MoGCSP to help Ghanaians who were in need through the LEAP Programme.

Ms Clemens used the opportunity to congratulate the sector minister on her appointment.

A Representative from the Department of Social Welfare on behalf of the officers thanked the Ministry and WFP for their support.

The officers promised to make good use of the Tablets in order to improve the living conditions of the vulnerable in the country.

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