Liberia: CDCians Predict Calamity

-If Boakai is elected president in 2023

The Youth League of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has warned potential voters against any attempt to make Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai Liberia's next president.

CDC Youth League chair Emmanuel M. Johnson told a gathering in Montserrado Electoral District #12 Saturday, 21 January 2023 that there would be a calamity in Liberia if voters elect Amb. Boakai, an 80-year-old presidential hopeful.

"An old man who calls citizens of this country mosquitoes can't be elected president. Any mistake to elect Ambassador Boakai as Liberia's president, there will be a calamity in this country," Johnson warned.

Johnson made the allegation when a group of people believed to be partisans of the former ruling Unity Party (UP) joined the ruling CDC in Electoral District #12.

The group pledged support for incumbent President George Manneh Weah's second term bid.

But the crossover of alleged UP partisans to the CDC came just days after hundreds of citizens calling themselves Disenchanted CDCians had switched loyalty to Amb. Boakai's opposition Unity Party.

Boakai served as Liberia's vice president throughout former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf's 12 years of rule.

He contested for the presidency in 2017 and got defeated in the run-off against President Weah.

The 78-year-old statesman hopes to make a comeback in the ensuing elections this year.

Accepting the petition from the UP partisans who had crossed over to the CDC, the CDC Youth League chair and Assistant Youth and Sports Minister Mr. Johnson said it was disgusting and disheartening for a statesman like Amb. Boakai allegedly called people mosquitoes.

"Let us make no mistake to elect Ambassador Boakai, the squanderer-in-chief to our nation's highest seat," Johnson said.

Earlier, Thomas Bundoo, presenting the disenchanted-UP partisans' petition to the CDC hierarchy, said their decision to suspend their membership with the UP was due to the failure of Ambassador Boakai to cater to the needs of his partisans.

"We are suspending our membership from the UP and pledging full support to the re-election bid of President Weah because of his numerous work," said Bundoo.

He cited ongoing road construction work across the country, peace, and development work as the reasons behind their decision to support the re-election bid of President Weah.

According to Bundoo, from the inception of the CDC government, there has been huge progress made as compared to the previous government.

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