Ghana: Minority Reshuffles Front Bench - - Dr Ato Forson Replaces Haruna Iddrisu - Agbodza Takes Over From Muntaka

25 January 2023

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has shuffled its leadership in Parliament bringing in Dr Cassiel Ato Forson to replace Haruna Iddrisu as Minority Leader.

Dr Forson, MP, Ajumako/Enyan/ Essian constituency in the central region, would be deputized by Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, the fourth term member for Ellembelle.

Adaklu MP, Governs Kwame Agbodza, would replace Asawase member, Alhaji Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka as Minority Chief Whip.

First and Second Deputy Minority Whips, Ahmed Ibrahim, MP, Banda and Comfort Doyo Ghansa, Ada, retain their positions.

In a statement signed by the party's General Secretary, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, in Accra yesterday, said further changes within the ranks of the caucus would effected in due course.

"The new leadership would be charged to recommend consequential changes in the Ranking Membership to the Headquarters of the party for approval," the statement said.

It is unclear why the opposition has reshuffled its leadership but there has been seeming tension between the Speaker, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, and the leadership of the caucus.

The caucus' recent disagreement with the Speaker had to do with the format Mr Bagbin adopted to address the censure vote triggered against the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, by the Minority.

"I am sorry to say this, when you want to turn the Chamber of Parliament into a palace, then you become a tyrant. He is becoming a tyrant.

"You are not a chief, you are supposed to be a Speaker of Parliament and a Speaker listens to both sides patiently even where there is a disagreement and that is the essence of democracy to sometimes even agree to disagree but where you personalised it as if a disagreement is a disrespect to you ... then I am sorry you are becoming a bad Speaker," Alhaji Muntaka-Mubarak told Joy News.

The House, meanwhile, would resume on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 to commence the first meeting of the third session of the fourth republic.

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