Sierra Leone: Man Remanded for Alleged Robbery

On 23 January, 2023, at the Magistrates' Court No2,Pademba Road in Freetown, Magistrate Isata Tucker, remanded one William Collins to the Male Correctional Centre for alleged robbery.

Police alleged that on January 1st, 2023, at Hill Street, Bottom Mango, Wilberforce in Freetown, the accused robbed one Alusine Bangura an Itel A 14 phone and attempted to stab him with a knife.

Prosecution witness No 1,Alusine Bangura, who also doubles as the complainant, said he stays at No8 Chapel Street, Regent in Freetown and that he knew the accused on January 1st, 2023 in respect of the case for which he was testifying in court.

He recalls on the above said date when something transpired between him and the accused.

He testified that on that day he was driving his boss and wife to church when they stopped by to buy some food at a nearby restaurant for his boss' wife who was hungry.

He said the wife went into the restaurant while he stayed in the car, but that the place was too hot so he had to wine down the door glass to get some fresh air.

He said while he wine down the door glass, he saw a motorbike parked from behind and then the accused jumped down from the bike and approached him with a knife in his hand.

"He placed the knife on my neck and asked me to hand over my phone to him, which I did. The accused ran away, but I chased him and the two others were atop the bike riding behind me. I chased the accused for a long distance but he jumped atop the bike and I was over-powered. I started shouting 'thief thief' and luckily some bike riders, who were riding at that time, chased the accused and caught him and took him to the Congo Cross Police Station. I later went to the police station and made statement," he testified.

The matter was adjourned to the 31 January 2023 for further hearing.

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