Ghana: GNFS Pulls Out Accra Regional Fire Commander

26 January 2023

Deputy Chief Fire Officer (DCFO) Alhaji Richard Nuhu Gibril, yesterday bowed out at pullout ceremony having rendered 33 years of dedicated and invaluable service to the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS).

DCFO Gibril was until yesterday's ceremony the Accra Regional Fire Commander.

Dressed in his GNFS ceremonial black and red uniform, DCFO Gibril for the last time inspected a Guard of Honour, mounted in his honour, at the Accra Regional Command, near the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, in Accra, where he was posted for the past 16 months.

In an emotional and fanfare mood, senior fire officers lined up to symbolically pulled DCFO Gibril from the parade ground to the entrance of the Accra Regional Fire Command, to signify his retirement.

In response, he waved a white handkerchief to colleagues, family, friends and well-wishers as he enters the last leg of his life as a retired fire officer.

The event was graced by the Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolis, Mrs Elisabeth Sackey, directors of the GNFS, regional commanders, district and divisional commander, retired officers, senior and junior Officers, sister security agencies and family and friends.

Mrs Sackey who stood in for the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Mr Henry Quartey, commended DCFO Gibril for his dedicated service to Ghana over the years.

"We will still collaborate with you and tap in your rich experience even as you exit the Service," She said.

The Chief Fire Officer (CFO), Julius Kuunour, who was represented by the Director of Administration of the Service, DCFO Fanny Simpson, praised the retired officer for his contribution to the Service and the nation.

DCFO Gibril thanked the GNFS for granting him the opportunity to serve his country, and advised the personnel to be dedicated to duty and leave a legacy for others.

He was enlisted into the GNFS after successfully completing the mandatory training course at the Fire Academy and Training School (FATS) in December, 1989, as a Sub Officer.

DCFO Gibril was the Oti Regional Commander, from 2019 to 2021, Deputy Regional Commander, Volta, from 2016-2019, Regional Operations Officer, Volta Region.

He was the Municipal Fire Commander, in Ho, Volta region from 2015 to 2016, and District Fire Commander, University of Cape Coast Fire Station from 2012 to 2014.

DCFO Gibril ensured structural transformation at the regional Headquarters, Accra, including the fence wall project, office annex and refurbishing of the conference hall and main office block.

He established operational personnel and structural command of the GNFS, Oti region and ensured the construction and furnishing office accommodation for Municipal Fire Station, by the Ho Municipal Assembly.

Citations and gifts were presented to the outgoing Fire Commander.

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