Liberia: Minister Wilson Unveils GOL's Youth Development Programs

The Minister of Youth and Sports, D. Zeogar Wilson, has unveiled Government of Liberia programs intended for youth empowerment in the country.

Minister Wilson noted that the government has earmarked for implementation, the Temporary Empowerment Employment Initiative for youths throughout the country.

He noted that the government in a bid to actualize a such vision has stipulated the amount of one Million United States dollars in the National Budget.

Appearing on the Liberia Broadcasting System, (LBS), the Youth and Sports Minister indicated that the money will be used to support the youth employment program.

He mentioned that the government is determined to provide continuous support for the smooth running of the program.

"It is better to be doing something than to be doing nothing, so there are things we are doing to benefit the young people," he said.

Minister Wilson also disclosed that the Ministry has provided training for over eight hundred young people in the area of entrepreneurship.

He mentioned that entrepreneurship plays a vital role for youth economic advancement in the country.

Minister Wilson noted that the Liberian Leader's desire is to ensure that all Technical Vocational Education Training Centers are well-equipped and well-functioning.

He pointed out that through the provision of the Youth Rising Program, the Monrovia Vocational Training Center and the William V.S Tubman High School have created a Wood Work Unit.

Minister Wilson mentioned that the objective of creating the unit was to produce furniture for commercial purposes.

He pointed out that the program is being run within the 15 political subdivisions.

He noted that as part of the efforts aimed at improving the program, the government is expected to build the capacity of 120 teachers.

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