Nigeria: Massive Electricity Theft May Plunge 1,004 Estate in Darkness

31 January 2023

The 1004 Estate Homeowners and Residents Association (HORA) is gravely concerned that there is a high level of electricity theft in the estate that is making it impossible for them to pay Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) for electricity and buy diesel for their generators.

In a letter, dated 26th January 2023, to the Homeowners and Residents, titled, 'Unsustainable Power Theft Situation in The Estate', the 1004 Homeowners and Residents Association's Legal/Admin Officer, Ifeoma Ogbodo said, "We are forced to once again draw attention to the alarming level of power theft in the Estate. The revenue from power is increasingly unable to cover power expenditure (EKEDC tariff and diesel costs).

"We are in a situation where we can barely generate 50% revenue to cover our consumption. EKEDC increased tariff by December 2022, diesel is still hovering around N800/ltr. With the level of power theft going on in the Estate, we can no longer pay EKEDC and diesel suppliers.

"EKEDC has recently served us notice of disconnection due to outstanding indebtedness. This situation is unsustainable and cannot be allowed to persist if we are to maintain our current power supply services. If expenditure continues to outstrip revenue, that is, getting less for power consumed, it will eventually push the Estate into darkness."

The Association said it suspects some flats to have by-pass their meters and have prepared a list of these flats, also included in the letter, which are in Block B -65 flats; and Block D -54 flats.

According to them, "To avoid this unsavory outcome, (of being in darkness) we will, pending when we carry out the meter relocation project, watch list any flat with a power vending history of less than N35,000 per month, in this era of N200/KWH. The list of these apartments are published alongside this notice and they'll be on the suspected power bypass/theft list until they show justifiable cause to be delisted from the list.

"We solicit the cooperation of all residents to ensure that a few people do not plunge the whole estate into darkness with their nefarious activity. Any apartment on bypass or any HORA staff aiding such should be reported using the email or"

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