Nigeria: Soldiers, Students Clash Causes Pandemonium in Nigerian University

3 February 2023

The soldiers were said to have gone back to the campus on Friday for a reprisal.

Pandemonium broke out on the University of Benin campus on Thursday when some soldiers clashed with the students in the university.

There are varied accounts of what led to the clash.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), a version of what happened said the crisis erupted when the students resisted attempts by the soldiers to jump the queue for the use of the ATM on campus, leading to fisticuffs between them.

Another version said a large group of students descended on the soldiers when the military men upbraided some students for wearing camouflage.

A clip of the incident, which is being circulated on social media, showed some angry students beating and kicking a lone soldier.

The soldiers were said to have gone back to the campus on Friday for a reprisal, beating students and destroying cars.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin, Lilian Salami, in a statement on Friday described the incident as unfortunate and said the situation on campus has been brought under control.

She said the university management was holding discussions with the military authorities in Benin for an "amicable resolution".

"Management acknowledges that these are challenging times for everyone and enjoins all to remain calm while efforts are being made to avert a recurrence.

"Management also calls on the students to constantly embrace dialogue in resolving issues that concern them rather than taking to protests, at any provocation.

"Such protests cause more injury and damage for the students and for other citizens," Mrs Salami, a professor, stated.

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