Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Old Guard Wary of Emerging Young 'Mbinga' As Party Primaries Loom

6 February 2023

ZANU PF's secretary for information, Christopher Mutsvangwa, has unwittingly revealed that long serving party members are jittery over emerging wealthy businessmen who are raising hands for candidatures in this year's elections.

The ruling party has seen the emergence of wealthy businessmen known by the moniker 'mbinga' in street lingo due to their lavish lifestyle flaunted on social media.

Mining mogul, Pedzisai 'Scott' Sakupwanya and Mike Chimombe are some of the businessmen that have propped up from the party.

Addressing media last Thursday, Mutsvangwa said the party has witnessed flocking of young people ready to stand toe-to-toe with the old guard in representing Zanu PF in this year's elections.

"We have young people, 60,000 of them maybe more involved in gold mining which has never been in an industry before. We have a new phenomenon in the party, young rich gold miners coming to stand up for candidacy for elections in the party," said Mutsvangwa.

"So some of the old madharas are jittery because new blood is coming into the party who are appreciative of the wealth which is being generated by the policies of President ED (Emmerson Dambudzo) Mnangagwa."

The wealthy businessmen have reportedly invested in Zanu PF's quest to retain power through sponsoring party activities and paying for influencers to prop up its image.

Scott Sakupwanya, who serves as Mabvuku councillor, is reportedly raising his hand to run for the seat again in this year's elections.

However, these businessmen have reportedly caused disgruntlement among long-serving members of Zanu PF who accuse them of paying their way to the proximity of Mnangagwa.

Reports have also claimed that the business magnets are behind the establishment of 4-ED outfits that are proliferating ostensibly to support Mnangagwa.

Mutsvangwa said the mushrooming of these outfits is testament to support for Zanu PF and its policies.

"So when young people come to the party and they are wealthy, we are happy because it means we are delivering on the promise of prosperity that is why there is this 4-ED. It is a mass movement. We are going to form the biggest trade unions," he said.

"This is a reflection of the contagion of happiness coming out of hope which the president is giving. Overflowing abundance to the Zimbabwe electorate. It means that urban people are happy."

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