Nigeria: Attacks On Opposition in Ebonyi Won't Stop Our Campaigns - PDP

7 February 2023

"We are determined to liberate the state from enslavement, arbitrariness and political rascality."

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ebonyi State said it would go ahead with its scheduled local government campaign rallies on Wednesday, despite "unprovoked attacks" on opposition politicians.

The Director-General of the PDP Governorship Campaign Council in the state, Austin Edeze, said this at a news briefing on Tuesday in Abakaliki.

He said the rallies would begin at Onueke in Ezza South Local Government Area, despite the security challenges in the state.

He called on the party supporters to come out en masse for the rallies.

"Nothing can stop the party from leveraging the Constitution of Nigeria and democratic norms and practices to earn the expected victory based on the confidence Ebonyi people have placed in the PDP.

"We are determined to liberate the state from enslavement, arbitrariness and political rascality, and enthrone truly progressive governance," Mr Edeze added.

He cautioned the PDP supporters in Ebonyi to shun all divisive and inciting comments capable of overheating the polity as the campaigns for the general elections gather momentum.

The D-G expressed concern that promoting divisions, "clannish and artificial differences" between administrative zones and peoples have been on the rise in the state.

Mr Edeze challenged the ruling All Progressives Congress in the state to advertise their achievements instead of engaging in desperate tactics ahead of the general election.

He urged the media to remain neutral and continue to discharge its professional responsibility of shaping society.

"The PDP governorship candidate, Dr Ifeanyichukwuma Odii symbolises a valuable political capital with deep philosophical and ideological endowments.

"He is, therefore, an indispensable asset to the state; his entry into the race allows us to key into his generational political re-engineering of our people and the polity.

"His presence will significantly reinvigorate the spirit of the people to demonstrate their acceptance of the PDP and overwhelming belief and trust in him," the campaign D-G added.

'Barbaric attacks'

Mr Edeze condemned the attacks on some opposition politicians, including Benard Odoh, the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, Sam Egwu and others.

He said the attacks were barbaric and unhealthy to the country's democratic journey.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalled that the PDP had petitioned President Muhammadu Buhari, the Director General of the State Security Service and the Chief of Defence Staff, to intervene before the state "slide into anarchy".

"These attacks are unacceptable, absolutely condemnable and uncalled for," the party said in the petition.

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