Nigeria: Neighbouring Countries Concerned About Nigeria - Obasanjo

9 February 2023

Barely three weeks to the conduct of the year 2023 presidential election, former President Olusegun Obasanjo has declared that West African countries especially Togo, Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire are concerned about what will happen in Nigeria.

He stated this before holding a closed-door meeting with the national leadership of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) who paid him a courtesy visit on him at his Penthouse residence in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

Led by the party's national chairman, Chief Ralph Nwosu and the party's chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT), Mani Ibrahim, the team, which included all members of the ADC's BoT, its National Working Committee (NWC), as well as few other party candidates, arrived Abeokuta around 10: 30a.m and headed straight into a meeting with the former president.

Though details of Obasanjo's meeting with the party's stalwarts were not made known to the press, the BoT Chairman, Mani who addressed journalists however, disclosed that the top echelon of ADC were in Abeokuta to take "instructions and advice" from Obasanjo, who he said has never ceased at providing the necessary direction for them each time the party was in crisis and needed to navigate through.

Earlier before journalists were asked to leave the meeting venue, Obasanjo had told, "his mentees" that the global community, particularly the West African countries of Ghana, Togo and Cote d'Ivoire are seriously concerned about what the outcome of the forthcoming general elections from Nigeria will be and as such, citizens must strive harder towards ensuring that the country has a successful polls."

Obasanjo, who disclosed that he just returned from an official engagement in West African tour, emphatically declared that Nigerians must strive towards giving their best and ensure that the forthcoming general elections holds.

He explained that the attention of the global community focuses on the forthcoming general elections in Nigeria and therefore, Nigerians as main stakeholders should contribute towards the success of the elections.

"As you rightly said, we are in a critical period in Nigeria. In less than three weeks, we will be going to the polls to elect our leaders that will pilot the affairs of this country for the next four years from May and I hope nothing intervenes.

"I have been in Togo, Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire from the beginning of the week and from there, they are concerned about what happens in Nigeria as every Nigerian knows. Before I left Abidjan, President Alassane Quattara of Cote d'Ivoire was telling me about a position that Cote d'Ivoire is fighting for and he told me that "we are putting it on hold until after Nigeria's elections.

"So, even for them, Nigeria's elections are of utmost importance.

"My belief is that for us, who are directly involved, we cannot take it any less important. Therefore, I understand why you are here.

"Your party is one of the most important political parties in this country today and it doesn't matter how *****. Therefore, I understand why you're here.

"You're also here as a family: we all in Nigeria, we are a family and therefore, when we gather together, we can always discuss as members of the same Nigeria family. But what is of concern to Nigeria and on that note, we will now go on and talk as a member of the Nigerian family's".

Addressing journalists shortly after emerging from the meeting however, Mani said his team was in Abeokuta to consult with the former president in matters that are critically affecting the fortunes of ADC in the forthcoming general elections that is starting on February 25, 2023.

Emphasizing that ADC is currently at a crossroad, Mani further disclosed that the party needed to effect some "certain realignments" before approaching the February 25 presidential election, particularly on how to collaborate and pool strength together towards enabling them to work as a unifying front for the presidential election.

"We have taken lots of guidance from him which has helped us in the past to weather certain stormy sessions in our history.

"As we are all aware, not only the country but also our party can be considered to be at the crossroads. When you are the crossroad, it is important that you make the right the decisions so that you move in the correct direction, that is part of the wider consultation that has brought the members of the Board of Trustees, the National Working Committee, some of the candidates of our party to have this discussion with His Excellency, President Obasanjo".

"It is an ongoing process, the situation is still fluid, but we are hopeful that within the next 48 to 72 hours and through other series of meetings that we continue on this basis, we should be able to say clearly what the final decision is as to the direction of our party is taking in the next general elections".

"Mind you, this is one election in Nigeria that is going to be like none other like we have experienced in the past and as such, one cannot underate the influence this type of discussion we have had today will bring to the outcome of the election at the end of the day.

"We have not come to a definitive decision on that yet, but clearly our party is looking at the possibility of coming up with an arrangement that will allow us to announce what type of collaboration we are going to have with any party, be it Labour Party or otherwise".

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