Gambia: CJ Inaugurates Bundung State-of-the-Art Court Complex

14 February 2023

A new State-of-Art Court complex was last Thursday inaugurated at a colourful ceremony held at the court premises in Bundung.

The new complex, worth D31.7 million dalasis, accommodates three High courtrooms, two Magistrates' courts and a Cadi court, with chambers for the adjudicators and their auxiliary staffs, such as the clerks, registrars and interpreters.

Located within Bundung Mauritani community, the new complex, according to many, would now provide easy access to justice by the community, instead of having to travel all the way to Banjul to seek for justice.

At the inauguration ceremony, Hon. Hassan B. Jallow, Chief Justice of The Gambia spoke highly of the new court complex, saying the complex would now ease access to justice especially for the people of Bundung and the Kanifing Municipality at large.

"With the inauguration today of this complex, we are confident that it will make a significant impact within the Kanifing Municipal Council Area on these two challenges; it will provide additional courtroom space."

CJ said that the six courtrooms in particular almost double the capacity of the judiciary within the Kanifing Municipality.

Also speaking, Baboucarr Boye, minister of Public Service, Administrative Reforms, Policy Coordination and Delivery, said aside from the inauguration, they are working closely with the judiciary to identify suitable piece of land for the construction of Brikama and Kerewan Law Court complex."

Minister Boye reminded that these projects forms part of government's resolve in realising one of the objectives of the judiciary's 2021-2025 strategic plans, which seeks to improve access to the courts and tribunals through decentralisation.

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