Nigeria: Call-Up System Crashes Cargo Haulage Cost in Lagos Ports By 65%

17 February 2023

Truck Transit Parks Limited (TTP), a leading mobility technology company has significantly reduced the cost of moving cargo by 65per cent, providing significant cost savings to businesses and improving the competitiveness of the Nigerian economy.

It stated that within its two years of operation, it has also digitally managed the movement of 1.16 million port and non-port bound trucks. TTP's flagship product, Eto, has successfully reduced traffic around the port corridors, resulting in a significant improvement in the average turnaround time for port-bound trucks from an average of two weeks to just three days.

Managing director and co-founder of TTP, Mr. Jama Onwubuariri, in a media interaction to mark the three years of establishment of TTP and two years of operation, said the Eto has contributed significantly to a massive reduction in the cost of moving cargo out of the Apapa and Tin-Can Island ports, thereby providing significant cost savings to businesses and improving the competitiveness of the Nigerian economy.

Onwubuariri said the company is proud to mark this milestone, and to see the positive impact that its technology has had on the industry.

"Our commitment to delivering innovative solutions has allowed us to revolutionize the way that cargo is transported in and out of Lagos ports, and we are confident that our continued growth and success will bring even greater benefits to the industry in the years to come."

He said TTP has made a profound impact on the logistics and transportation industry, delivering innovative solutions that streamline the cargo movement process, reduce congestion, and improve the overall efficiency of port operations.

Onwubuariri added that TTP has established itself as a leader in the mobility technology sector and has received widespread recognition for its innovative solutions and impactful results. As the company looks ahead to the future, it remains focused on delivering cutting-edge technology and excellent service delivery, and is committed to improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the Nigerian economy.

Truck Transit Parks Limited (TTP), a leading mobility technology company, today marks its second anniversary by highlighting its key milestones in the efficient movement of trucks in and out of Lagos ports

Head of corporate development of TTP, Mr. Richard Emenim, fielding questions from the media, said, TTP owns and manages its proprietary software Eto and Tafiyah which have brought efficiency in terminal traffic management, port access control/appointment system, truck park design and management and smart parking solution while Tafiyah connects transporters with cargo owners.

He said TTP is delivering on traffic management, efficiency, data insights, revenue assurance and cost savings and competitiveness as benefits and value proposition to customers.

TTP's customer service manager, Temiwumi Aganmayo on her part said, in the last two years of operation, TTP has registered over 85,000 trucks on the Eto system with 8,500 users and has connected about 90 parks on the system which has over 70 features.

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