Africa: First Lady Jill Biden to Travel to Namibia and Kenya

Namibian First Lady Monica Geingos (center) talking with U.S. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden during the Spousal Program at the U.S.-Africa Leaders in Washington, DC.

First Lady Jill Biden will travel to Namibia and Kenya from Wednesday, February 22 nd   to Sunday, February 26th to strengthen the United States' partnerships on the African continent, and advance our shared priorities in the region.

Dr. Biden's engagements will focus on the empowerment of women and youth, efforts to address food insecurity, and promoting our shared democratic values.

The visit follows the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit late last year where Dr. Biden hosted a two-day spousal program. This will be Dr. Biden's sixth visit to Africa, first visit to Namibia, and third visit to Kenya.

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