Liberia: Koijee Ready to Assist the Police With Investigation in Justice Scott Alleged Attempted Assassination

Monrovia — Appearing before the Senate Committee of a Whole, the Inspector General of Police (IG) announced that the Mayor of the City of Monrovia, Jefferson Koijee and Varlee Talleh will appear at the Central Police Station to answer to allegations made against them in connection to the former Chief Justice's assassination attempt.

"When you are being accused, we will invite you and investigate you and if there's a link, we will treat you as a suspect. I want to inform you that tomorrow [today], Wednesday by 10:00 am, the Mayor and the accused Telleh will be at the police station to answer to allegations made against them," said Col. Patrick Sudue.

On February 23, 2023, Cllr Verdier, serving as a guest on the Spoon Talk, disclosed that the City Mayor hired Varlee Tarlleh, one of his security guards within the Monrovia City Police Department to kill former Chief Justice Cllr. Scott. He, however, did not provide the motive behind Koijee's alleged plot against the former Chief Justice.

According to the police boss, up to Tuesday, February 28, 2023 the police have not taken official statements from Cllr. Scott because she has refused to do so on grounds that she needs to speak to her lawyer.

However, contrary to the Inspector General's assertion that Cllr. Scott has refused to give statements to the police, last Thursday, a press statement from the police indicated that she had informed the police during preliminary investigation that a man who was part of a crew she hired to carry out some construction work at her residence remained hidden inside at the end of the work day, while his colleagues had retired for the day."

That police statement also indicated that, a man whom Former Chief Justice said she had observed during the day of looking somewhat "strange", attacked her family at night and killed one of her daughters when he was tackled.

By this statement, the police Inspector General was accused of lying under oath which is punishable by law.

Contradicting his boss

Appearing along the Inspector General was the Solicitor General Nyante Tuan who sat in the seat of the Justice Minister who is away. He revealed to the Senate that there is a visibility of guns everywhere in the streets of Monrovia.

Contrary to his boss, the IG told Senators that there is no such thing as visibility of guns in the streets. The two officials of the executive differed on the matter.

Meanwhile, Mayor Koijee has told FrontPageAfrica that he is willing to assist the police investigation. He said he would make himself available anytime he is wanted by the police until the matter comes to an end.

"I'm yearning for justice for the life of the young lady that was taken away. All through my years, I've advocated for justice. I was at the forefront of the Angel Togba case, I was at the forefront of other cases here and even led parades for justice. My position as City Mayor does not in anyway shield me from submitting myself to investigation. I am ready whenever the police need me and I believe this investigation will help in bringing out the true story," he said.

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