Ghana: U.S. Embassy Donates Laptops to Ghanaian Times, Others Media Institutions

In a bid to deepen fact-based reporting and investigative journalism in Ghana, the United States Embassy on Tuesday do­nated laptops, cameras and projectors to four media outlets and journalists support organisa­tions in Accra.

The beneficiaries include the Ghanaian Times, Daily Graphic, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Ghana News Agency, National Media Commission (NMC), the Fourth Estate (Media Foundation for West Africa) and Corruption Watch (CDD-Ghana).

The Ghanaian Times received four laptops, one projector and one digital camera; Daily Graphic, four laptops and a projector; Ghana News Agency, four laptops and projector; and the Ghana Broad­casting Corporation received four laptops.

The others were NMC, four laptops; Media Foundation for West Africa, five laptops and one projector; and CDD-Ghana, five laptops and one projector.

Mr David Agbenu, the Editor of the Ghanaian Times, Mr Koby As­mah, the outgoing Editor of Daily Graphic, as well as representatives of the other media outlets received the equipment on behalf of their organisations at a brief ceremony organised at the U.S. Embassy in Accra.

The donation, made through the Department of the State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, is part of the United States government's support for rule of law and accountable gover­nance in Ghana.

"The U.S. government supports the rule of law in Ghana and around the world. This donation is to support working journalists, anti-corruption organisations, and Ghana's main media regulator to help build capacity for stronger journalism and accountable gov­ernance in Ghana," said Ms Chris Carlisle, Director of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Unit.

The equipment, she said, could be used for journalist training, fact-based reporting, investigative journalism, and appropriate over­sight activities of media outlets in Ghana.

Mr George Sarpong, the Exec­utive Director of NMC, said the gesture was both functional and symbolic as it provided useful tools for journalists to do their work.

He noted that journalism was crucial to the development of democracy, and thanked the U.S. Embassy for the kind gesture.

Mr Sarpong noted that the do­nation would deepen the bond of friendship between the U.S. Em­bassy and the media, and suggest­ed roundtable discussions about election to deepen understanding as Ghana prepared towards the 2024 election.

The U.S. encourages good jour­nalistic practices, and has organised workshops, seminars and train­ings over the decades to build the capacity of Ghanaian journalists in Ghana and abroad.

The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement works to keep Americans safe by countering crime, illegal drugs, and instability abroad

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