Liberia: 'U.S. $2 Million Projected for Agriculture Is Laughable' - -Sen Dillon

Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon says US$2 Million projected in the national budget for the agriculture sector is very laughable.

The opposition lawmaker said during Tuesday's session, 28 February 2023 the projection is a complete opposite of what policymakers have been saying about improving the agriculture sector.

Agriculture Minister Jennie Cooper has said US$2 Million has been projected in the 2023 draft national budget for the agriculture sector.

In the already exhausted 2022 national budget, the agriculture sector received US$4 Million.

Out of that money, Minister Jeannie Cooper informed the Senate that she only received over US$2 Million. Minister Cooper said she has not received any additional cash to that effect.

At the same time, this current projection for agriculture in the 2023 draft national budget seems to run contrary to President George Manneh Weah's commitment to support the sector.

During his 5th State of the Nation Address delivered before the 54th Legislature in January, President Weah stressed that his government will continue to increase its efforts to ensure value addition to the agricultural products.

He noted that the Coalition for Democratic Change-led regime will also provide for access to Liberian farmers and enhance support to expand mechanized farming throughout the country.

"During my last address to this Honorable Legislature, I informed you that agricultural productivity would be a key priority of this Administration," President Weah added.

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