Ghana: GCTU Holds Matriculation for 2,333 Students

The Ghana Communication Technology Uni­versity (GCTU) on Saturday held its 30th matric­ulation ceremony in Accra for 2,333 students to pursue various diploma and degree level pro­grammes.

The number constituted ap­proximately 73 per cent of the 3,200 students enrolled who had registered and started lectures.

The Vice Chancellor, GCTU, Prof. Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa, said the number was the highest student enrollment so far in the University, adding, "with a renewed attitude to our students/staff relations and a better learning environment, I am confident that our student enrollment numbers will contin­ue to increase in the 2023/2024 academic year."

He noted that the university established a Student Recruit­ment Committee last year to en­sure that student intake increased by 25 per cent from the average enrollment of 1,800 students.

Prof. Afoakwa indicated that GCTU was poised to empower the students to continue their search for knowledge through constant learning and innovation.

"GCTU will not be measured by only the number of students within the institution but rather by the quality of our graduates and the impact they make in soci­ety after leaving GCTU."

"In view of this, the Univer­sity is embarking on the total development of our students by enhancing the knowledge, skill, and attitude of students by link­ing practical industrial attachment and leadership skills to develop their entrepreneurial ability," he stated.

The GCTU Vice Chancellor added that at least 80 per cent of the students would undergo industrial attachment in organisa­tions where their services would be required after graduation.

He also said that GCTU would promote scholarship through transformative student experiences, problem-based learning, and experiential learning approaches through the applica­tion of ICT-based cutting-edge technology.

Prof. Afoakwa emphasised that the university prided itself on integrity, excellence and academic freedom as key core values that guided it in principle and in life.

As such, he urged the stu­dents to take full advantage of GCTU by making an effort to excel in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the University, and also represent GCTU in all of those activities.

"Let us make a commitment on this day to maintain a friendly and cordial relationship with each other and make this University proud by being disciplined, punc­tual and giving of our best in all fields," he added.

Sawyer Joel, a matriculant in the expectation speech of the matriculating class, commended the University for its infrastruc­ture and teaching and learning environment.

He said they were hopeful that the GCTU would deliver on its mandate and advised his colleagues to "keep on believing we can be better than we are now, that we can succeed no matter the obstacles."

"The ball is in your court, look at where you are coming from, be careful the people you keep around you as friends, never forget to pray and never let failure define you."

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