Kenya: Weatherman Forecasts Delayed Start of Long Rains Season

Heavy rainfall is causing disruption in various parts of the county, with rivers feeding into Lake Victoria at higher levels than usual.

Nairobi — The Kenya Meteorological Service has warned of a delayed onset of the March to May long rains season.

The forecast is contained in the seasonal forecast, where the Weatherman is urging for optimal utilisation of the rainfall amounts that will be received in parts of the country.

According to the forecast released yesterday, normal to below-average rainfall is expected in the grain basket areas of the country.

The weatherman notes that there could be episodic rainstorms that could result into floods in the perennial flood-prone areas of the country.

Kenyans have been urged to begin adaptation measures and prepare ahead of the start of the rainfall season by purchasing large water tanks in order to harvest rain water when the rainfall season begins with the peak of the rains expected to be in April for most regions except over the Coastal Strip where the peak is expected in May.

The country has witnessed five failed rain seasons and is now heading for the sixth failed season of March to May long rains season.

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