Liberia: New Indian Ambassador Impressed Over Jeety's Investment in Liberia

The new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Liberia Pradip Kumar Yadav has expressed delight over the ongoing multi-million investment of his kinsman, Mr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva to provide job opportunities and improve the country's economy.

Ambassador Yadav said the ongoing construction of the Jeety Rubber Liberia Limited Corporation (LLC) in Weala, Margibi County is a milestone that will benefit the nation and its people.

Mr. Sachdeva, who is commonly known as "Jeety" in Liberia is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company.

He is also the owner of several businesses in Liberia, including his trademark Jeety Trading Corporation, dealer in hardware materials.

Ambassador Yadav expressed gratitude and delight over Jeety's ongoing investment when he received an arousing welcome at the company's premises during a guided tour in Weala on Tuesday, February 28.

He observed that the presence of the company in the area will vitalize economic activities and provide thousands of job opportunities for not only Liberians, but other nationals residing in the country.

He used the occasion to call on Indian nationals and others residing in the territorial confines of Liberia to support the endeavors of Mr. Sachdeva.

"I thank Mr. Sachdeva and other members of his team for receiving me. I'm very happy to be here in Weala at the Jeety Rubber Company which is going to manufacture rubber items like latex, gloves, tyres and most importantly medical implements in this part of Margibi County. This is very important because it will provide economic opportunities and employment for Liberians and other nationalities."

Ambassador Yadav observed that residents of Weala and other surrounding communities are the ones that will greatly benefit from the operations of the company in the region.

He stressed that the availability of Jeety Rubber Liberia Limited Corporation will yield "more prosperity and economic development in Weala," adding, "I wish Mr. Sachdeva and his team all the best."

For his part, the CEO of Jeety Rubber Mr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva officially welcomed Ambassador Yadav to his company and Liberia in particular.

He said the establishment of the company in Weala was envisioned in October 2021.

He noted that the operational area of his company remains faced with numerous challenges.

Mr. Sachdeva disclosed that he mustered the courage and will to address those challenges through the provision of basic social services to the locals.

He recounted the tremendous roles being played by the workers to ensure the completion of the project.

He expressed shock over the rapid construction works ongoing at the facility in the shortest possible time.

"We started by building relationship and placing the first block in the soil. I am proud to say that after seven months of tireless work by my team, which I am the captain, we have reached this far and I appreciate the hard work of the team. A lot of days, you work and never panicked whether sunshine or not. This is what brought us far today."

Mr. Sachdeva used the occasion to disclose that a team is expected from India shortly to commence the installation of machines at the facility.

According to him, the installation exercise will last for a period of three-months, adding that, "I hope with the support of all of you we will start in the month of May."

"I am very much thankful to the Weala community, especially to the Commissioner, Paramount Chiefs, Women, and Youth leaders, and everyone whose name I may not know."

He vowed to ensure that Weala boom like Kakata, relative to the availability of social services and economic activities following the commencement of operation works of his company.

"I have always said that I am a citizen of India by passport and a Liberian by heart. When the factory starts, there will be too many economic activities in Weala. We will see more shops and other things here. I am thankful to everyone including my Chairman of the Board. Thank you Ambassador for coming over."

Mr. Sachdeva, however, commended President George Manneh Weah for providing a conducive environment to encourage investments by maintaining peace and stability in Liberia.

He said the current level of peace and stability in the country encouraged him to invest in the post-conflict nation.

According to him, Liberia remains his home and as such, he will continue to invest and extend helping hands to the needy in the society.

Mr. Sachdeva called on other foreign enterprenuers to buttress the efforts of government by establishing companies and businesses to address the growing wave of unemployment in the Liberian society.

About Jeety rubber

Despite being one of the largest producers of rubber in Africa in the past, Liberia has struggled over the decades to ensure the processing of raw latex to finished goods or products on the local market.

There have been consistent calls from vast majority of Liberians and others for government to negotiate with foreign and financially balanced local rubber producers for the construction of companies to help produce materials that are made from rubber in the country.

The citizens and others believed that investment into the construction of companies and others to transform the latex into finished products by local or foreign investors will also help immensely contribute to job opportunities and reduce the prices of rubber materials that have been produced elsewhere and exorbitantly sold on the Liberian market.

In responding to the calls, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led Government of Liberia (GOL), through President George Manneh Weah, submitted the Jeety Rubber LLC Investment Incentive Agreement to the 54th National Legislature for ratification in December 2021.

The agreement

The Liberian Senate concurred with the House of Representatives to pass the agreement.

The Senators' action comes following hours of deliberation on a report submitted to the Plenary by the Committees on Concession and Investment, Ways, Means, Finance, and Budget, and Judiciary.

According to the agreement, Jeety Rubber LLC will construct, develop and operate a national rubber processing and production plant for the production of tyres and other natural rubber products.

It includes long and short rubber goods.

The processing plant is also expected to also produce hand gloves, rain boots, and rubber bands, among others.

The company will process approximately 25,000 tons of natural rubber per annum.

It compels Jeety Rubber LLC to consider the interest of local rubber traders and others during its purchasing of raw materials.


In the wake of the high level of unemployment rate in Liberia, the Jeety Rubber processing plant agreement ratified by the Liberian government will help many citizens to put food on the tables for them and their respective households.

More than 300 Liberians are expected to gain full employment with the company upon the commencement of its full operations.

Additional citizens will also be accorded job opportunities following the expansion of the company's operation.

Jeety Rubber LLC will also prioritize the purchasing of latex from small local rubber planters from across the 15 counties in a bid to help expand the Liberian economy, which is experiencing turbulent times.

Already local rubber producers are finding it very difficult to grow, harvest, or market their produce due to the lack of investment opportunities in the sector.

Citizens of the company's area of operations are the ones that will be given preference in terms of job provision.

Combating poverty

The new agreement ratified by the government of Liberia has the proclivity to also combat against the high rate of poverty in Liberia.

It will alleviate sufferings among the citizenry through the provision of job opportunities and contributions to basic social services and empowerment opportunities in keeping with its corporate social responsibility.

Many believed that the establishment and commencement of full operations by the Jeety Rubber LLC in Liberia will now compel other foreign and local rubber production companies operating in the country to muster the courage to ensure the construct of companies to process the unfinished materials to finished goods.

When this is done, it would immensely contribute to combating against security threats in Liberia as a result of the influx of vulnerable youths who continue to roam across the country due to the lack of job opportunities.

Some young people in Liberia are engaged into unwholesome practices in the nation due to the lack of foreign-direct investment opportunities to guarantee their employments and in turn contribute towards addressing the immediate needs of them and their respective family members.

With the agreement signed and ratified between the Liberian government and the Jeety Rubber LLC, a win-win situation for all is certain in the wake of numerous challenges confronting Liberia and its citizens.

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