Liberia: China Union to Restart Mining Activities in Liberia

Montserrado County Superintendent Florence F. Brandy has revealed that Chinese multi-billion-dollar iron ore mining company, China Union has written a letter expressing its willingness to restart mining activities in Liberia, despite going bankrupt in 2015.

It can be recalled that the Chinese company allegedly closed due to the Covid 19 pandemic coupled with unfavorable price of a metric ton of iron ore on the world market at that time.

Making the disclosure Thursday, March 2, 2022, at MICAT's regular press briefing on Capitol Hill, Madam Brandy pointed out that the company had promised to give four million US dollars to develop three counties in Liberia: Montserrado, Margibi, and Bong.

However, she pointed out that it is still unclear which county will take a higher share of the money.

She added that the reason why Montserrado's name has been mentioned is because of the railroad which will be used to transport the iron ore from Bong. The raid road passes through Montserrado.

She explained that upon the availability of the money in question, there will be a meeting comprising members of the 17 districts in the county to set up a new county council.

Supt. Brandy added that the county council will craft a resolution and based on that evaluate a project which will develop the county.

She concluded by showering praises on President Weah for improving the markets for local women and business owners in the county.

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