Ghana: 'Our Unity, Our Strength, Our Purpose'


On Tuesday, March 6, 2023, the whole of Ghana will converge at the Volta Region capital of Ho to commemorate the country's 66th independence anniversary.

Volta Region will become the fourth region to host this grand anniversary following the decision to rotate it across all regions of the country.

Already, the Northern, Ashanti and Central Regions have had their turns with each showcasing a unique but captivating identity.

This year's commemoration is on the theme: "Our Unity, Our Strength, Our Purpose" and seeks to drum home the need for ghanains to come together and with one accord, work to overcome the challenges confronting the country..

In a troubled world where the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to linger and the impact of the Rus­sian invasion of Ukraine continues to reverberate across the four corners of the world, the choice of the theme can only be described as apt.

In this troubled times what every coun­try needs to overcome is Unity and Gha­na's own cannot be different. If there was a period which required unity in the history of the country, then it is now.

Today, Ghana stands at the crossroads with the potential to either tumble off the precipice or rebound and surge towards the glory envisioned by the founding fathers.

The country is bedeviled with a number challenges including: economic, social, cultural and political difficulties with the economy being the hardest hit with all the macro-economic indicators tumbling down.

Inflation, interest, and lending rates are at all time high with the situation compounded by the downgrades meted out to the country by the international rating agencies.

For more than two years, the conver­sation has centered on the economy, unfortunately the discourse have always been framed within the usual partisan narratives.

In the spirit of the theme of this year's independence day anniversary, Ghana­ians must seize the opportunity and rally round the cause of rebuilding the nation.

The current adversities present Gha­naians with the opportunity to begin to have an honest and sincere conversation about national life.

Indeed, a better way to honour the memories of the country's forebears for their toils and sacrifices is to foster a high sense of Unity and purpose towards nation building.

The independence day must act as a catalyst that revolutionalize our thoughts, and actions towards the holistic develop­ment of the country.

"Our Unity, Our Strength and Our Purpose" must encapsulate our unity in diversity and define the common vision of the country.

Bringing together and redefining what the national vision should be like. Even as Ghanaians deal with their challenges, they must also celebrate their successes, remembering that succes is not only inspiring but also infectious.

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