Ghana: Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital Presented With Gh¢700,000 Items

Assorted medical and technological equipment valued at GH¢700,000 were presented to the Princess Marie Louise Chil­dren's Hospital in Accra by the Ga Mantse, King Teiko Tackie Tsuru ll, in collaboration with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to enhance quality health care delivery.

The items included incubators, printers, computers and other medical supplies.

At a short ceremony to present the items in Accra on Friday, King Tsuru ll said the donation formed part of their Independence Day gift to the children of Ghana.

"The timing of the presentation is deliberate because this facili­ty is closely associated with our independence in which several Ga Dangmes played heroic roles for our collective freedom and today we are following in their foot­steps," he added.

The President of the Africa West Area of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Elder S. Gifford Nielsen, in his remarks, quoted Luke 18:16, saying, "The Saviour asked that we suffer not the little children to come unto Him and forbid them not".

The Metropolitan Chief Exec­utive of Accra, Elizabeth Sackey, commended the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Ga Mantse for the gesture, saying it fell in line with the metro's strategic goals for 2023, to advance health care delivery within the metropolitan.

The medical superintendent of Princess Marie Louise Hospital, Dr Mame Nyarko, thanked the Ga Mantse and the church for the support and promised to put the items to good use to achieve their purposes

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