Liberia: Winners Inc. Unveils Master Queen As Brand Influencer

Days after announcing popular award-winning musical artist, Caroline Moore, preferably known as MC CARO' with her famous Musical band, "BABY" as a Brand Ambassador of Winners Incorporated Sports Betting Company and Online Casino, the company has again taken another giant step to name popular radio personality DJ Master Queen as the company' Brand Influencer.

Winners announced Grace Hawa Weah, alias Master Queen, a multi-award-winning actress, producer, and Radio Personality, as a brand influencer to support the sports betting company brand in its next growth phase.

According to Winners Incorporated Program Manager, Tito Balde, the Sports betting company, chose Master Queen after taking time to study her lifestyle as Radio personality, creative and social influencer skills in the Liberian Entertainment Industry over the years; her marketability prowess, influential, among others, gave DJ Master Queen notch above other personalities that were closely watched, Mr. Balde said.

Master Queen has proven to be the best influencer for the job, Garysen Inkome Diah, Winners Inc. Communication officer, said.

"Over the years she has been a positive role model and a change maker in the Liberian Entertainment Industry and the society at large. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration." Diah added.

Master Queen, who's also the President of Liberia Football Association (LFA) Women Division Champions Club Determines Girls, is expected to use her brand to promote and market the company as well as spearhead key initiatives to be introduced by the company.

Master Queen, who's ecstatic about the brand influencer partnership with Winners Incorporated Liberia indicated her readiness to assist the company in its activities.

"I'm very excited for the opportunity to partner to promote the platform," she said adding "I bet with Winners Sports Betting Company, it's so efficient, fast, and winning is guaranteed and utmost."

Winners Sports betting platforms are seamless and easy to use and the fastest way to make money, even though, sometimes you lost, but gaming is legal, and sports is a passion for everyone," Master Queen stated.

She stressed that Winners Inc. Liberia is the preferred choice of Sports Betting in Liberia, thereby encouraging her followers to continue to stick with Winners Inc for betting on daily matches.

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