Liberia: Cummings Gets Endorsement in Nimba

A strategic and influential group, the Patriotic Nimbaians Movement, with over 1,000 members in Nimba County has officially endorsed the Presidential bid of Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

The impressive endorsement ceremony, attended by hundreds of CPP partisans and supporters, was held in Tappita, on Friday, March 3, at the end of a four-day visit by the CPP Standard Bearer to several towns and districts in Nimba County.

Previously, the Patriotic Nimbaians Movement for Boakai (PANIMBO), which supported former Vice President Joseph Boakai in 2017, switched allegiance to the CPP.

The group, now the Patriotic Nimbaians Movement for the support of Cummings (PANIMCU), has pledged its unflinching support and loyalty to Mr. Cummings' presidential bid comes October 10. PANIMCU has strongholds and active membership spread in three counties including Montserrado, Grand Gedeh, and Gbarpolu.

In a statement of support and allegiance to the CPP Standard Bearer, PANIMCU Chairman, Tony Gonyor, said the group parted ways with Mr. Boakai due to policy differences and after careful evaluation of the two primary presidential contenders.

Mr. Gonyor flanked by PANIMCU executives said the decision was based on the energetic capacity of Mr. Cummings and his enviable corporate records of achievements, which makes him the best competent candidate to redeem Liberia.

The group reaffirmed its sincere commitment to mobilizing and rallying the support of Liberians throughout Nimba, Montserrado, Grand Gedeh and Gbarpolu Counties for the successful elections of Mr. Cummings as the next President of Liberia.

Accepting the endorsement, Mr. Cummings, expressed gratitude to members and executives of PANIMCU for their preferred choice of him as the best Presidential candidate. Cummings said he is proud and has been inspired by PANIMCU's endorsement to work harder, and assured Liberians that upon his election as President, he will work assiduously to transform the deplorable living conditions of Liberians.

The CPP Standard Bearer reaffirmed his commitment to restoring basic social services and revival of the ailing economy. He promised to create jobs as well as pay civil servants better salaries.

Mr. Cummings, however, cautioned Liberians that to achieve these targeted goals, to transform Nimba and the country, will require hard work, sacrifice, discipline, and dedication to duty.

He said Liberians including public officials will have to break away from the past, live by the rules, obey the laws, and warned that there will be consequences for violations.

Cummings vowed to lead by example and that all Liberians irrespective of political, religious, and tribal affiliations will have equal rights and access to jobs and opportunities in government.

The CPP Standard Bearer said within his first hundred days, he will allocate special funds for private sector development, mainly to help Liberians sustain and grow their businesses.

Earlier, the CPP National Campaign Chairman, Mr. Lewis Brown lauded PANIMCU for its preferred choice of Mr. Cummings as the best and most competent to be the next President of Liberia.

Brown bragged of Mr. Cummings energetic capacity and enviable world achievement as compared to President George Weah who has miserably failed due to incompetence and Mr. Boakai, who is aging and without any legacy after 40 years in government services.

He said it will be a big shame for Liberians, to allow themselves to be fooled the second time by Weah to re-elect him, in the face of worsening economic conditions, using ill-gotten wealth.

The National Campaign Chairman expressed optimism, that with the massive support in Nimba, backed by PANIMCU, the CPP is certain to win Nimba County and eventually the Presidential election comes October 10.

Mr. Brown urged Liberians to unite and mobilize against the re-election of Mr. Weah.

He said President Weah has made Liberia, a laughingstock in the world, due to his lack of knowledge and understanding of leadership and must be made one term President.

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