Ghana Marks 66 Years of Nationhood On Monday

Ghanaians, will on Monday, commemo­rate 66 years since the country gained its liberation from British Colonial rule.

Christened "Independence Day" the annual celebration would be marked on the theme "Our Unity, Our Strength, Our Purpose."

The Volta Regional Capital, Ho, will host the national event to be addressed by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

This would be the fourth time the ceremony has been held outside Accra in line with the government's decision to rotate it nationwide, beginning 2019.

It was meant to bring meaning, experience and the story of the country's independence closer to Ghanaians across the country.

So far, Tamale, Kumasi and Cape Coast have taken their turn, each bringing a unique cultural touch to the celebration.

With the rich traditional and tourism status of Ho, the town is set to put on spectacular display the colour, culture and history of the nation.

Aside from the main celebra­tion, all metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies will orga­nise similar events within their jurisdictions.

The President of Guinea Bissau, Umaro Mokhtar Sissoco Embaló would be the special guest in line with inviting dig­nitaries from other countries to grace the event.

In addition to the security ser­vices, students and pupils as well as other identifiable groups would march at the event to be attended by thousands of spectators and 5,000 guests.

After years of struggle for self-rule by various Ghanaians including the Big Six, Kwame Nkrumah a member of the Big Six left to form the Convention People's Party (CPP) to intensify the fight.

He became the first Prime Minister of the colony from 1954 to 1956 and subsequently when Ghana was finally declared an independent state on March 6, 1957, he became the first Presi­dent.

Formerly Known as Gold Coast, the West African nation was the first in sub-Saharan Africa to regain its freedom from the British.

On the eve of Ghana's Inde­pendence on March 5, 1957, Dr Nkrumah declared Ghana as an independent country from British colonial rule at the Old Polo Grounds in Accra.

"At long last, the battle has ended! And thus Ghana, your beloved country, is free forever," he declared.

With him were five of his com­rades in the struggle for indepen­dence: Komla Gbedemah, Kojo Botsio, Archie Casely-Hayford, KroboEdusei and N.A. Wellbeck, all attired in splendid smocks.

Since then, the day has been observed to remember the toil of the firebirds, instill in the citizen­ry a sense of patriotism, reaffirm national unity, as well as national sovereignty.

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