GhanaExpo to Be Held On March 9, 10 in Accra

An exhibition dubbed: "Ghana­Expo 2023" to showcase new business opportunities in more than 10 sectors of the Ghanaian econ­omy to international investors is to be held in Accra.

Slated for March 9 and 10 this year, the expo is being organised by the Gha­na Aviation News and CN1 Channel on the theme "connecting minds, creating the future," with opportunity, mobility, and sustainability as sub-themes.

It is expected to bring together companies aligned with the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), including airlines, exporters, tour operators, travel agencies, manufacturers, hotels and other hospitality companies,

Others are financial institutions, network compa­nies, and construction firms, Ghana made producers, agro businesses, auto Businesses, schools, restaurants, media, health organisations, arts, and entertainment.

The Event's Executive Coordinator, Kwabena Kumi Ofori-Addo, in an interview with the Ghanaian Times in Accra yesterday, said the expo is to help find solutions for global issues and challenges; share ideas related to the theme and create more employment opportunities for the youth.

According to him, the current global situation has necessitated the use of innovation to help mitigate the conse­quences and boost investor confidence through the expo.

"Participating in an expo allows countries to create a fleeting miniature world, a microcosm of global progress and dialogue. The expo will provide a unique and international stage to engage in cultural diplomacy and interact with other participants, potential tourists, trade partners, and investors," he said.

Mr Ofori-Addo said at the expo, in­ternational participants would organise their cultural programmes in addition to taking part in other organised activities while Starlite Band would spice the two-day event at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel with live performance.

"The expo will provide a unique and international stage to engage in cultural diplomacy and interact with other participants, potential tourists, trade partners, and investors," he said.

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