Ghana: Rains Cause Havoc in Parts of Accra

Parts of Accra again saw large swamps of running water on roads, heavy vehicu­lar traffic, breakdown of vehicles and roads destroyed yesterday, following hours of downpour.

The downpour which started on Tuesday dawn and lasted for about four hours destroyed properties, delayed work and heightened the usual "morning car chase" for most people.

The flood waters further covered major roads and highways within the capital, obstructing vehicular movement and causing heavy traffic.

Areas like the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange, Kaneshie, North Kaneshie, Alajo, Adabraka, Accra Central, Tema, Tema Station-Ac­cra, Osu and Kasoa were all heavily affected.

The SCC-Barrier road coming towards Accra had also been cov­ered with mud, forcing motorists and commuters to use the road leading to Kasoa.

Drains carrying running water were over flowed, while some potholes on roads were enlarged and deepened leaving huge debris on the roads.

Some drivers had to park their vehicles due to portions of the road being flooded, resulting in heavy traffic.

Videos and comments about the situation and its attendant impacts also went viral on social media with many users calling on the government to initiate measures to address the age-old problem.

A commuter at New Bortianor, who only gave her name as Sandra, entreated Ghanaians to desist from the age-long bad attitude of dump­ing refuse in drains.

She emphasised that it was those actions that came back to harm the entire country for which reason they were to serve as both watch and guide dogs in the country.

Kwame Asuah, a driver, lament­ed the regular choking of gutters and noted that poor construction of the gutters could be blamed.

As such he called on authorities to as a matter of urgency desilt such gutters and ensure that going forward, drainages were properly constructed.

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