Egypt: Ghana Armwrestling Chiefs in Egypt to Inspect Facilities

The President of the Armwres­tling Federation of Africa (AFA), Mr Charles Osei Asibey, has arrived in Egypt to inspect facilities for Africa's maiden hosting of the World Armwrestling Champion­ship (WAC) in 2024.

He was accompanied by the Vice President of the Ghana Armwres­tling Federation (GAF), Mr Kofi Addo-Agyekum.

The duo, who hold high office in Africa Armwrestling would be joined by President of the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF), Mr Assen Hadjitodorov and WAF Secretary General, Mr Mircea Simi­onescu-Simicel.

Egypt and Ghana are proposed host for the Global event and one will be granted the hosting right for the event after AFA President, Mr Osei Asibey, won the continental leadership and made a case for Africa to be granted the rights to host the world event.

The 2024 championship in Af­rica will be the 44th edition of the championship which is expected to bring together over 2000 athletes and officials from the world, a statement from the GAF said.

While in Egypt, the Armwres­tling leadership is expected to hold talks with the Egyptian Sports Minister, the Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister, President of the Egypt Olympic Committee, and the President of Association of African Sports Confederations amongst others.

As Egypt boast of infrastruc­ture, Ghana will boast of same af­ter hosting the 2023 Africa Games, with high-profile network, organi­sational and hospitality abilities.

The World Armwrestling Cham­pionships by the WAF since 1979 is the convergence of the best arm­wrestlers/pullers in the world to battle for supremacy and bragging rights as the best in the sport.

Turkey hosted the 2022 edition in Antalya.

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