Ghana: Breast Society of Ghana Inaugurates Office

A new office for the operations of the Breast Society of Ghana (BSoG) has been inaugurated in Accra as part of efforts to increase aware­ness about breast diseases in the country and how such ailments could be managed effectively.

The BSoG, a not for profit organisation, is also focused on providing up-to-date information on breast cancer, raising funds for research into breast diseases, while providing support and education to women diagnosed with breast cancer and those at increased genetic risk of the disease.

Speaking at the inaugura­tion ceremony last Tuesday, president of BSoG, Dr Hannah Ayettey Anie, who is a senior specialist radia­tion oncologist, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), Accra, stated that research was very important when it came to the management of breast cancer.

She, therefore, stressed that the NGO would focus its activities more on research on the disease, adding that findings could go a long way in improving survival rate of the disease in the country.

According to her, the BSoG had also started a massive social media campaign against the misconceptions sur­rounding breast cancer in Ghana to ensure sufferers of the disease do not hide, but come out to get the needed treatment.

She mentioned that misconceptions coupled with certain cultural and religious beliefs contrib­uted to the low survival rate of breast cancer, as many patients resorted to all manner of unap­proved treatments after diagnosis.

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