Ghana: Speaker, Predecessors Mourn With Prof. Oquaye

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, on Mon­day led his prede­cessors to mourn with Professor Mike Oquaye, the Speaker of the Seventh Parliament on the passing of his wife, Major (Rtd) Mrs Alberta Oquaye who died on Saturday.

The former speakers that accompanied Mr Bagbin were Ed­ward Doe Adjaho and Joyce Ade­line Bamford-Addo, speakers of the sixth and fifth parliaments of the Fourth Republic respectively.

Also with the Speaker were the Minority Leader and MP for Aju­mako/Enyan/Esiam, Dr Cassiel Ato Forson; the Clerk-to-Parlia­ment, Cyril Nsiah, and the Head of Speaker's Office, Richard Acheam­pong.

Leading the delegation to con­sole Professor Oquaye, Mr Bagbin applauded the bereaved family for showing the departed love till the end of her life on earth and be comforted that "God knows better" even if as humans we may prefer that the departed stayed with us.

"If at this time God has decided to call back His beloved daughter, we can only say thanks be to God," he said.

The Speaker commended Pro­fessor Oquaye for "standing beside his dear wife" during the trying times; a time he said he (Bagbin) "truly learnt a lot from the show of unparalleled love to a dear one".

As a second deputy speaker between 2017 and early 2021, Mr Bagbin said he learnt a lot from the wisdom of Professor Oquaye especially in managing the House.

Parliament, Mr Bagbin assured would stand with his predecessor to give the departed a befitting burial, adding that the late Mrs Oquaye ought to be celebrated than mourned.

"We want to assure you that the whole Parliament will be with you and we will together not mourn but celebrate the life of our dear one," he said. For his part, Prof. Oquaye expressed appreciation the Speaker and his delegation for the show of love.

Prof. Oquaye described the delegation as a family who have benefited from the motherhood of Mrs Bamford-Addo who mentored

Mr Adjaho and himself as first and second deputy speakers of the fifth parliament who subsequently took over the leadership of parliament as Speakers in the sixth and sev­enth parliaments.

"That is really unique and a sign

of motherhood that her children came to take her place and there­after Speaker Bagbin has come to take the chair.

"So, we are really grateful as a family on hearing of this matter and coming," he said and recalled the good relation Mr Bagbin and the former speakers had with his late wife.

Major (Rtd) Mrs Oquaye, aged 88, died on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at their Haatso residence in Accra.

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