Nigeria: Liberian Diplomat Bestowed With Nigeria's Highest Chieftaincy Title

Abuja, Nigeria — The Director of Finance and Administration of the ECOWAS Court, Dr William Daiyan Towah, has been bestowed the traditional chieftaincy title as "Egwumba 1", which means, 'Pride of the Land" by the Paramount ruler Dr Emmanuel O. Ogwu of Ibagwa Nike Kingdom of Enugu State, Nigeria.

Dr Towah, a high-profile Diplomat with the Court of Justice, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Abuja, was presented with the honour for his tremendous support to humanity, peace, pan-African unity and advancement of the cause of the emancipation of the Africans as well as the promotion, development and cooperation within the ECOWAS sub-region, especially between Nigeria and Liberia.

Conferring the Chieftaincy title Paramount Ruler, Dr Ogwu led by the Council of Kingmakers to the Royal Palace praised the Liberian diplomat and enumerated several reasons why the traditional council under his leadership saw it befitting to bestow the prestigious honour.

Said Dr Ogwu, "I am delighted to host this very important occasion in this palace and to state very clearly that this is a rare moment for such an honour to be unanimously agreed upon to be given to someone who could be seen as far from our land but indeed dear to us as a people.

"I will regard him as a bridge between two cultures and people and a refined personality that has brought pride to both Nigeria and Liberia."

According to him, Dr Towah has supported many initiatives in the community, and Nigeria at large, thereby promoting pan-African culture and solidarity.

"He has stood for the yearnings of the common man, he is a man of many parts positively; I could be short of words to describe him in totality, but I am full of words to acknowledge what he has done and what he intends to do to promote cooperation and unity among our people," Traditional Ruler said.

In response to the honour, Dr Towah underscored the essence of cultural diplomacy in promoting social cohesion, international solidarity and greater unity which enhance regional and international development and cooperation among nations for the common good of their respective citizens.

According to him, the African culture appreciates the essence of God's creation whereby respect for the dignity of every human regardless of socioeconomic, political and social status.

He stressed those attributes have the potential to enhance development which Africans should embrace.

Dr Towah who maintained that culture increasingly permeates international relations and foreign policies said cultural diplomacy is harnessed by countries to promote their cultural distinctiveness, thus enhancing the world's cultural diversity while paving the way for cooperation and dialogue.

He noted that in a globalized, interconnected world where countries are increasingly interdependent, cultural diplomacy can be critical to fostering peace and stability.

Said, Dr Towah, "A lot of Nigerians and other African nationals have been part and parcel of the larger Liberian population back home and they are enjoying the generosity of a unique African tradition that binds people together as one family."

"Similarly, Liberians are living here and in other African countries pursuing legitimate businesses to empower themselves and their respective families under a cordial atmosphere."

He added, "Let me hasten to acknowledge the invaluable contributions and sacrifices made by Nigeria during the protracted civil war which can never be washed away from the history of Liberia."

"It goes beyond mere regional solidarity but is indeed a sound testament of a bonding brotherhood entrenched in the African tradition of being a brother's keeper."

He expressed appreciation to Nigerians especially the historians who continue to remind Liberia of their unflinching role to end the Nigerian civil war which was fought between 1967 to 1970 and ensuring that there must be a united and one Nigeria.

"These two historical antecedents in both countries should serve as lessons to further hold us together as one family despite being from two independent States", the seasoned diplomat said.

He further indicated that culture is a lifeblood of a vibrant society, expressed in many ways people tell their stories, celebrate, remember the past, entertain themselves, and imagine the future.

"Our creative expression helps define who we are and helps us see the world through the eyes of others. Africans participate in culture in many ways--as audiences, professionals, amateurs, volunteers, and donors or investors", he said.


Dr Towah is a career civil servant and has served in various capacities in the Liberian government including Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Agriculture and Acting Minister respectively.

He also served as Deputy Minister for Finance for Expenditure and Debt Management, Deputy Minister for Administration, Post and Telecommunications and Director General of the National Food Assistance Agency, Vice President for National Housing and Savings Bank, Managing Director of the National Housing Authority, Strategic Management Consultant/Advisor, Ministry of Public Works, among others.

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