Liberia: Double Bridge Community Tournament Opens 15th Edition

Monrovia — It was an exciting and spectacular mood when happy residents of Double Bridge Community in District Two, Montserrado County trooped at the Monrovia Vocational Training Center Football Field to witness and participate in the official opening of the 15th edition of the community annual tournament.

The competitive opening fixture was graced by citizens from the various blocks within Double Bridge community.

Displaying fantastic skills as evidence of their respective preparations, the defending champions Block -C failed to show supremacy over Block E and settled to a one all draw after ninety minutes of fascinating show piece.

Under rated Block E community opened the scoring in first half of the match and dominated the entire forty five minutes of play.

However, Block C- returned from the break, re-group and save their name and kept their moral in the tournament with a second half equalizer.

The 2023 edition unlike before looks very tense and compact with all participating teams ambitions of clinching the championship.

Since the inaugural edition of the sporting activities fifteen years ago, the community continues to bring its citizens together in an annual football and kickball tournament.

Spearheaded by a sporting committee led by its astute Chairman Varlee Kelleh and assisted by Thomas Gbappy as Co. Chairman, the sporting leadership successfully hosted its fourteen edition which was captured by Block (C)

Speaking to our reporter, Varlee Kelleh ably assisted by his Co. Chair disclosed that this year's edition promises to be more impressive and competitive than ever before.

Under the theme; Promoting Young Talents, Unity and Togetherness, Mr. Kelleh named some new flavors to the tournament to include : Man and Women of the Match while attractive individual awards and prices will be presented to exceptional players after the end of the tournament.

He pointed out that the annual week long tournament is featuring Five teams divided into blocks , to include Block A-E in both Football and kickball categories.

Participating teams, he stated are all placed into Two zones, Zone A comprising three teams and group B comprising Two teams respectively.

According to him and over the period , the annual sporting event always show case new talents from within the community.

" We have had fantastic young players in the two disciplines and players of the tournament have been very impressive", he added.

In the kickball opening fixture, Block -E won Block -C 16 to 8 home runs to victory.

Meanwhile, Antoinette Willie from Block E won the woman of the match in the kickball category while Jusu Massalay of Block C, won the man of the match in the football version respectively.

The month long tournament will continue on Wednesday March 15, J.J.Roberts Birthday as a National Holiday with two exciting matches .

Game one will see Block -D versus Block B While the day's last encounter will feature Block E and Block A respectively.

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