Ghana: Mahama - Let's Ensure NDC's 2024 Victory Is Emphatic

Former President John Mahama has challenged the executives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) across all levels of the party to work hard between now and December 2024 to ensure that the party's victory in the polls is emphatic.

"Ghanaians are looking up to us, the NDC, to win power and save them from their present pre­dicament of hardships, high cost of living, lack of critical infrastruc­ture in their communities among others but I will work hard for Ghana and her people if elected president in 2025," he stressed.

Former President Mahama tasked the executives to own not only his flagbearer campaign, but also the 2024 campaign and reit­erated his advice to regional and constituency executives to ensure fairness and transparency in the distribution of party resources and campaign materials to the branch­es. The former president threw the challenge when he visited all the 11 constituencies in the Bono East Region to meet and interact with branch and constituency executives to canvass for votes to lead the NDC again in the 2024 polls.

"I know you will vote for me, I thank you all, I will also work hard with you to campaign effectively, efficiently and focus towards our 2024 victory, I will provide the materials and logistics needed so let us send them to the branches when they come since that is where the work is.

"We have to be careful in selec­tion of competent polling agents towards extreme vigilance to ensure the ballots are protected until the results are counted and declared because our success at the polls will depend on our work at the polling stations," former President Mahama admonished.

He told the delegates he was before them in all humility, in response to calls from the party and generality of Ghanaians, to offer himself, to serve the country and its citizens he cherished dearly and was in no doubt about enormity of task ahead, owing to level of damage done to the country by the current government.

According to him, though he had been considered the front runner and officials of the NDC asking him not to campaign, he had decided to visit all 275 constitu­encies of the country and interact directly with branch and constitu­ency executives to devise strategies that would make the party's victory in 2024 resounding.

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