Liberia: Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Wesseh Blamoh Launches Voter's Registration Awareness Campaign Across Montserrado

Monrovia — As the Biometric Voters Registration (BVR) process kicks off March 20, 2023, in six of the 15 counties across the country, the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs G. Wesseh Blamoh has hit the ground running in a pre-campaign awareness, encouraging Liberians to register to vote.

The Biometric Voter Registration phase one commences on Monday, March 20 to April 9, 2023, in Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Gbarpolu, and Margibi counties.

Team Wesseh Blamoh on Wednesday, March 15, officially launched the BVR awareness in Stephens Tolbert estate aimed at ensuring the maximum participation of Liberians in the electoral process.

Minister Blamoh, speaking during the ceremony, said the aim of the voter registration awareness is to encourage all citizens, irrespective of their status that has reached 18 years or above to turn out and register during the voter registration exercises.

"This campaign will see our team visit all of the 17 districts in Montserrado county in an effort of encouraging and ensuring citizens obtain a valid voter registration card to be a part of the voting process," he said.

He, however, called on community-based organizations to work with Friends of Wesseh Blamoh to ensure the reelection of President Weah across the 15 political counties in Liberia to support the process.

Meanwhile, he assures the public that his team will do all in its power to inform Liberians about the process regarding the voter registration process.

"We are committed to doing this till the end of the BVR in Montserrado beginning March 20 to April 9" across the length and breadth of Montserrado county," he concluded.

Also speaking at the launching ceremony, Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee called on first-time voters across the country to make their voices heard by obtaining a voter card.

According to him, if young people want to see more development by the ruling government, they must be involved in the process by registering to vote.

"Your vote, is your power so if you are to make it count, you need a voter card" he emphasized.

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