Liberia: Chief Justice Stands Against Interference ...Sends Caveat to Executive, Legislature, Others

The Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Liberia, Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh, has sent a caveat to the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government not to interfere with the operations and enforcement of the Court's Mandates.

Article 65 of the Liberian Constitution vests in the Supreme Court and such subordinate courts as established by the Legislature the Judicial power of the Republic.

The said Article also provides that judgments of the Supreme Court are final and binding and that they shall not be subjected to appeal or reviewed by any other branch of Government.

This provision of the constitution, Justice Yuoh noted has three indispensable features, which are the judgment of the Supreme Court, finalization of a matter decided by the court and the binding of decision on all authorities, throughout the Republic of Liberia .

Justice Yuoh mentioned that it is disturbing to note that in recent times, the Supreme Court continues to receive reports of interference in the enforcement of courts' judgments.

Justice Yuoh believes it is important to elevate the conversation on the growing waves of interference by the public and some members of the government.

She noted that it has become a normal practice for the public to obstruct the enforcement of courts' decisions.

Yuoh mentioned that lawyers who ought to act in adherence to the law will rather take liberty in filing frivolous and unmeritorious petitions, all with the sole purpose of frustrating and delaying the enforcement of courts' judgment.

"It is high time that the Supreme Court must do the needful to curb, if not to eradicate, the dilatory tactics of lawyers in all such instances," she added.

Justice Yuoh mentioned that full adherence is expected to the principle of law which states: "Every court entering a decree retains jurisdiction until its judgment is fully satisfied, and that parties appearing before the courts are required to proceed in strict compliance with the order of the courts."

The Supreme Court prefers that strict compliance and satisfaction be accorded its mandate in terms of enforcement, and subsequently, lawyers utilize the relevant provision of the law in pursuing their client's interest in the disputed property.

In this connection, she reiterates her unwavering stance on the strict administration of justice in the interest of peace, harmony, and stability in Liberia.

To undo the situation, she announced that the Supreme Court shall embark on the constitution review committees on the revised rules of the courts, the code of moral and professional ethics lawyers, and the judicial cannons with the end purpose of reviewing the present instruments, identifying challenges and shortcomings.

This is intended to but not limited to dealing with the interference with the courts' judgments, curbing the wave of unmeritorious filing by lawyers and party litigants petition for a writ of prohibition, and other remedial processes which often times are responsible for the protracted delay in the adjudication of cases, or frustrating the execution of judgments in our courts.

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