Liberia: 'Voters' Registration Revolutionary Mandate'

-Chairman Morlu Tells CDCians

The Chairman of the Ruling Coalition for Democratic Change or CDC Mulbah K. Morlu has described the ongoing voters registration process as a revolutionary mandate that every citizen, particularly supporters, and partisans of the CDC must follow to give president Weah a first-round victory.

"Voters' registration is a revolutionary mandate that needs to be fulfilled by every CDCians especially those that are eligible to vote," he said.

Chairman Morlu made the call on Monday, March 20, at the CDC headquarters in oldest Congo Town at the program marking the official launching ceremony of the voters' registration process.

"We believe in the resilience and commitment of our partisans because the most important people in the CDC are not the officials but the common people in the communities," he adds.

"We want to encourage every one of you to take advantage of this exercise," he said adding, "if we must ensure that President Weah gets reelected, we must all register to vote."

According to him, obtaining a voter registration card is a mandate that every CDCian must execute, nothing that the CDC has a structure that is headed by its standard bearer, county leaders, Zoner heads.

"We are not taking second chances. This country is on the right trajectory and as such we must continue this path by ensuring that president Weah gets reelected.

Weah's second term is a legacy term. The place this country is going, it will surely get there, and we depend on you to make this a reality," said Morlu.

Also speaking, the chairman of the Redemption Democratic Congress urged CDCians to take advantage of the voters' registration process to elect president Weah for a second term.

Changed Democratic Action (CDA) political leader Rev: Nicely explained that his party joined the CDC to end the process that began in 2017.

Robert Sammy, chairman of the Movement for Economic Empowerment or MOVEE, said if President Weah must be retained as president, there is a need for citizens to take advantage of the voters' registration process.

Since the foundation of this country, this is the first time for 9 political parties to gather-this alone sends a message that the CDC is up for serious business.

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