Liberia: Cummings Reflects Change

- Nimba citizens

Nimba citizens of District #8 have reaffirmed their support and vowed to mobilize their kinsmen to ensure the election of Mr. Alexander Cummings as the next President of Liberia come October 10 General and Presidential Elections.

Tuniudi citizens said Mr. Cummings represents a true reflection of change. They declared that his enviable corporate world achievements and commitment to fight corruption in public service makes him the best choice for President.

Citizens lamented years of government neglect in ensuring better social services and infrastructures, including electricity and roads that will help better the lives of rural inhabitants and accelerate economic development.

They stressed the need for youth and women empowerment to combat extreme suffering and poverty through a new order of government administration and believe only the CPP Standard Bearer can revive the deteriorating economic conditions nationwide.

Mr. Cummings accompanied by CPP stalwarts, over the weekend, visited several towns, including Kphen and Beipa where he met with elder Council, Concern Rural Women, Farmers Union, Motorcyclist Union, Business Community, Marketeers Volunteer Teachers, retired civil servants and Student groups.

He expressed heartfelt gratitude for the warm reception accorded him and the increasing affirmation of support by Nimbians for his Presidential bid come October 10.

The CPP Standard Bearer extended special thanks and appreciation to party officials including Nimba County Representative Larry Yonquoi, who also formed part of his entourage to Nimba County. He assured the people of Nimba County, that a CPP Government will pursue policies and programs that will better the lives of the suffering masses, vowing that he will lead by example, to restore hope and good governance in Liberia.

He pleaded with the various groups not to be weary by the deplorable state of affairs and urged them to muster the courage to register en masse and vote out the inept and corrupt administration of President George Weah come October 10.

Cummings reaffirmed the CPP's commitment to its agenda for REAL CHANGE that will better the lives of the millions trapped in extreme poverty. He said this will occur through the resuscitation of the ailing economy and the creation of more and better job opportunities for Liberians.

The CPP Standard Bearer earlier attended a memorial service in Beipa.

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