Ghana: Crime Check Foundation Will Continue Good Works of Atsu - Founder

Founder of Crime Check Foundation (CCF), a crime prevention non-governmental advocacy, Mr Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng, says his outfit will continue to champion the good works of the late Christian Atsu Twasam.

The organisation has worked closely with Atsu for over five years when he reached out to CCF after noticing the meanness in Ghana's justice delivery system, which puts every offender behind bars.

According to him, the late Atsu was a strong advocate for giving petty offenders a second chance at freedom and offered hope to the hopeless.

He described Atsu as God-sent who was guided by selflessness - and ready to give his all, until he passed on.

Speaking to the Times Sports on Friday during the final funeral rites of Atsu at the forecourt of the State House, Mr Kwarteng said: "We at Crime Check Foundation will continue from where he left. We intend to embark on a tour to preach love, giving and selflessness which were his qualities."

"CCF will continue to advocate for the Non-Custodain Sentence which was very dear to his heart," he said.

Speaking on the life of the ex-Ghanaian international, he said: "We shouldn't see the passing of Atsu as a mere one, but when a good person passes on, he lives a legacy."

Mr Kwarteng stated that they have been in contact with Arms Around the Child, also an NGO - which Atsu was an ambassador, to see how best they could work collectively to advance all his projects.

He said that, though his exit was painful, it would open the floodgate for more people to understand what selflessness was about, "so people will dedicate themselves to help the needy and voiceless."

Mr Kwarteng said Atsu was touched by the plight of the needy and paid for 143 prisoners to be released through the Petty Offenders Project under CCF.

He added that through the Ex-convict Reintegration Project, Atsu set up these prisoners with business and also donated to prisons.

Atsu, 31, passed on February 18 together with over 50,000 people after he went missing on February 6, following an earthquake that hit Turkey over a month ago.


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